Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cover: Industrial Scars at the Carter Library

Industrialization and pollution have scarred Earth. In a photographic exhibition that opened at The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum, visitors can see the dramatic effects humans have had on Earth. The exhibition—"Industrial Scars: The Photography of J. Henry Fair" is on display through October 14, 2012.

The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum
The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum
I've seen a similar exhibit in Washington, D.C. It could actually be the same exhibit...the Carter Library often receives traveling exhibits from the Smithsonian, as well as other Libraries and other sources. Drama and thought provocation are in order for viewing these photographs

We're so accustomed to seeing the astounding beauty presented in National Geographic and cousin Marissa's vacation photos, but rarely do we think about what we do to the Earth just to have table salt. This exhibit is a glimpse at just that.

The Carter Museum is one of Atlanta's phenomenal will truly feel like you've stumbled upon one of the greatest finds of the Century! There's LOTS to see...and it doesn't feel like homework!

This Facebook Cover Photo is of the ceiling of an exact replica, full-scale reproduction of the Oval Office as it was during President Carter's administration...the closest many will ever get to the Oval Office. I've actually sat at the President's desk, but that was at Madame Tussauds in Manhattan, so not the same thing, but cool nonetheless.

Enjoy this Facebook Cover Photo and then head over to wanderlust ATLANTA's Facebook Page to enjoy more Cover Photos and more information about what's happening in Atlanta! (Please "Like" the Page while you're there!)

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