Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Mesmerizing Sea Nettles

Often assumed to be jelly fish, the inordinate number of Georgia Aquarium visitors who are mesmerized by the Pacific Sea Nettles is wonderful to watch. I love it when visitors to our fair city are that fascinated with what we have to offer.

Pacific Sea Nettles, Georgia Aquarium
Pacific Sea Nettles, Georgia Aquarium
With so many wonderful things to see, unfortunately, not all photographs turn our, as was the case of the above photo. But with today's photo-editing software, many of them free to anyone, you can turn a blurry photo into something quite mesmerizing itself.

So, even if you're a novice photographer, snap never know what you might get!

This photo, taken in the Tropical Diver gallery at Georgia Aquarium, is pre-sized for use as a Facebook Cover Photo, so please help yourself. There are more over on the wanderlust ATLANTA Facebook Page...enjoy!


Pamela E. Stoffel said...

Thanks for this one. I am currently a Marine Biology student over at BYU-Hawaii and the photo is said to be free for use as a facebook cover. I love to stand out so I downloaded it.

Cindy Amari said...

Hey I saw a sea nettle during our trip to Australia and it was indeed mesmerizing. Unfortunately though, I didn't have a chance to get a good shot of it.

Travis S. Taylor said...

Pamela...I'm so glad you're using the Sea Nettle photo! Best of luck in school!

Travis S. Taylor said... exciting to visit Australia! I'm sure you saw many amazing sights. I was born on the beach in Florida and lived in California and Greece, so water has been an important part of my life. I wish Atlanta had a beach, but having the world's largest Aquarium is quite nice too.