Tuesday, January 22, 2013

One Frog, Two Frogs, Yellow Frog, Blue Frog

The Atlanta Botanical Garden is home to 400 to 500 frogs at any given time…sometimes considerably more. And that doesn't include all the bullfrogs you see throughout the Garden during warmer weather.

Blue Poison Dart Frog, Atlanta Botanical Garden
Blue Poison Dart Frog, Atlanta Botanical Garden
The Amphibian Display in the Dorothy Chapman FuquaConservatory showcases numerous kinds of frog, mostly from South America, including this Blue Poison Dart Frog. If you missed the recent performance of The Blue Man Group at the Fox, this is a great alternative--although they may not be banging garbage cans with PVC, they’re much more vocal.

At any given time, you’re sure to see several of the frogs roaming around in their tropical habitats (some of still as stone), but if you’d like to see all the frogs that live in those habitats, stop by the Garden for their Saturday, 11:00 a.m. feeding…they all come out for breakfast! 

And the Amphibian Specialist who is feeding them is happy to answer any questions you may have…come up with some good ones!

Feel free to use this pre-sized Facebook Cover Photo on your own page and then head over to the wanderlust ATLANTA Facebook Page for more.

So, while The Blue Man Group has come and gone from The FoxTheatre (surely they’ll be back), you can still see quite a bit of entertaining blue in Atlanta. Just head over to the Atlanta Botanical Garden—Saturday mornings at 11:00 if you can—and revel in the marvel of the Blue Poison Dart Frog.

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