Thursday, August 2, 2012

Cover: Fernbank Electrified

This Cover Photo (for Facebook) is re-purposed from a post I did a couple of years about Fernbank Museum of Natural History. This electrified sphere is equally fascinating to kids and's part of the permanent exhibit "Sensing Nature."

Sensing Nature
Fernbank Museum of Natural History
I just got home from the Atlanta Botanical Garden, volunteering for Cocktails in the Garden, where it rained a great majority of the evening. I've NEVER see it rain like that at the Garden (just lucky, I guess), but tonight it did...and there was lightening, which is why I wanted to post this particular photograph.

I'm not going to go on and on tonight, but wanted to say that a trip to Fernbank, even if only to see the permanent exhibits, is worthy of top-of-list status...and even more so if you have kids.

Please enjoy this pre-sized Fernbank photograph. Then head over to the wanderlust ATLANTA Facebook Page where you'll find lots more! Please "Like" the Page while you're there!

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