Monday, August 6, 2012

Cover: Atlanta's Gold Dome

Known as the "People's Capitol," the Georgia State Capitol Building is open to her citizens and it houses a fascinating museum filled with wonders from throughout the state.

Georgia State Capitol Building, Gold Dome
Georgia State Capitol Building, Gold Dome
The Georgia Capitol Museum has been housed on the fourth floor of the Georgia State Capitol Building since 1890 and includes  artwork, flags, and material culture, as well as a few oddities such as a Georgia-born two-headed cow. The collection on display is impressive!

Group tours are available and I highly recommend them. Note that the tour schedule changes frequently (they do have a State to run) and must be scheduled in advanced. 

Self-guided tours are also available and do not require a reservation, but double-check the days and hours before heading to the Capitol Building.

While you're there, be sure to stop by the Hall of Valor located on the first floor. This must-see "displays Georgia's priceless collection of 82 historic flags from the early Georgia militia, the Civil War, the Spanish American War, World Wars I and II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom."

And there's the Capitol Grounds, which has lots more to explore, including the Capitol cornerstone, lots of statuary, the Gold Dome and Miss Freedom (pictured above).

Enjoy your visit to our Capitol Building and enjoy the above pre-sized Facebook Cover Photo. Then head over to the wanderlust ATLANTA Facebook Page for lots more.

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