Friday, September 2, 2011

ATLANTApix: Samuel Spencer

Samuel Spencer
Samuel Spencer
Remember that Atlanta was originally a railroad town, long before she was ever a convention town. Nestled in a tight little corner of the 12-story David R. Goode Building at 1200 Peachtree Street is an elegant sandstone and bronze statue erected to one of the city's railroad pioneers.

Samuel Spencer today is remembered as the first President of Southern Railway Company, one who made remarkable achievements. The unique statue's engraved sentiment reads:

Samuel Spencer
1847 - 1906

A Georgian, A Confederate Soldier, and the First President of the Southern Railway Company. Erected by the Employees of that Company.

Most statues are erected by governments or enthusiast groups. I believe this is the first statue I've ever encountered that was erected by an employee group. He must have been one an amazing boss!

ATLANTApix and ATLANTAvidz of the tourATLANTA blog features a daily photo or video relative to Atlanta. Come back tomorrow for a new one!

1 comment:

Terry said...

I don't think I've seen this, I should say I haven't "looked."

This post made a connection for me: I've driven by Spencer, North Carolina and "Spencer Yard" signs forever. Turns out it was named after Samuel Spencer who built railroad shops there halfway between Washington and Atlanta.