Wednesday, August 3, 2011

ATLANTAvidz: ATLANTApix from July 2011

tourATLANTA's July 2011 photos-of-the-day, ATLANTApix, take visitors all over the city to explore Atlanta's rich history and cultural diversity. A few that I particularly enjoyed making include: the giant truck at Tellus Science Museum, the stunning temple at the BAPS Mandir, and the Bright Star (Sirius) chandelier at the High Museum of Art.

This brief video recounts the month's captured images and will let your mind bathe in wanderlust as an Atlanta tourist for a just a few moments.

Subscribe to tourATLANTA's YouTube channel so that you're sure to see all of tourATLANTA's video uploads...and while you're at it, tell a friend...or two, or three.

ATLANTApix and ATLANTAvidz of the tourATLANTA blog features a daily photo or video relative to Atlanta. Come back tomorrow for a new one!

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