Saturday, December 22, 2012

An Endlessly Engaging Experience

A recent trip to the High Museum of Art uncovered a delightful surprise. Artist Anish Kapoor says of his work Untitled, it “invites discovery and provides an endlessly engaging experience.

"Untitled" by Anish Kapoor, High Museum of Art
"Untitled" by Anish Kapoor,
High Museum of Art
Untitled is a multi-sensory experience…and it does indeed invite discovery.

The friend I was visiting with had seen the piece before, but didn’t know about the auditory aspect to the piece. Much like concave dishes you’ve seen placed on opposite sides of a room in science museums, this dish on its own allows visitors to carry on conversations from great distances as if they were standing next to each other.

"Untitled" by Anish Kapoor, High Museum of Art
"Untitled" by Anish Kapoor,
High Museum of Art

But actually, the carried sound sounded like my friend’s voice was being transmitted via radio. Very cool either way.

Visually, the dish is stunning. Kapoor has combined art and science using stainless steel triangular facets, because of his interest in fractals, “wherein multiples are equivalent to the whole.”

"Untitled" by Anish Kapoor, High Museum of Art
"Untitled" by Anish Kapoor,
High Museum of Art

Anish Kapoor is also the artist responsible for Cloud Gate in Chicago’s Millennium Park. Some will know Cloud Gate as the giant silver kidney bean that’s very popular with tourist and local artists. 

"Untitled" by Anish Kapoor, High Museum of Art
"Untitled" by Anish Kapoor,
High Museum of Art
To give you an idea of just how large this particular piece is, the person in the below shot is approximately six feet tall.

"Untitled" by Anish Kapoor, High Museum of Art
"Untitled" by Anish Kapoor,
High Museum of Art
For those who have never been to the High Museum of Art, I highly recommend including it in your touring plans. There's a lot to see there and they also have some pretty amazing programming...check it out!